Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Guest Post: The Art of Karen Gersch — Contemporary Clowns (part two)

[post 146]

As promised, here's the second installment of Karen Gersch drawings and paintings of contemporary clowns. If you missed part one, check it out here.  If you missed her series of classic clowns, click here.

 Clownesse, "Samovar", France

Clown, Cirque Gruss

Avner, USA

Barry Lubin's Gramma, Big Apple Circus

Jeff Gordon's "Gordoon in Flight," Big Apple Circus

French clown applying makeup

"Cabaret", Ukrainian Acrobatic Troupe at Cirque de Demain Festival (Paris)


Clown, Cirque de Demain Festival (Paris): "Fever"

Clown, Cirque de Demain Festival (Paris)

John Wellt, Eccentric Juggler

3 Artists, Cirque de Demain Festival (Paris)

Calixte de Nigremont, Maître de Cérémonie

Clown — Mick Holsbeke

Clown - Mick Holsbeke

Luke Wilson, Leipzig's Krystalpalast

"Fever", clown acrobatics on German Wheel

For more of Karen's work, check out her web site here (yes, some drawings and paintings are for sale), and check out her exhibit and live circus show the next four Sundays on the Waterfront Museum barge in Red Hook, Brooklyn.  I hope to see you all there.  Every single one of you!

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