Saturday, October 20, 2012

Leonard Pitt: Physical Theatre Lecture-Demo

[post 295]

On my last post I welcomed Leonard Pitt to the blog as he introduced us to a great documentary on Mel Blanc. The 20-minute video below is How I Learned to Write by Learning How to Move my Body, which he performed at a monthly conference called (coincidentally) Leonardo, an evening of art and science presentations. In it Leonard touches on different aspects of physical theatre, with topics ranging from the work of Etienne Decroux, to poetry, to Balinese masks. A special delight is an excerpt from his widely-acclaimed show, Doppo, Clown of Yesteryear. Truly a must-see!

Yes, I've already told him he should do this for a TED Talk!

• Previous Leonard Pitt post
• Leonard Pitt web site

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