Saturday, August 9, 2014

More Table Comedy Acrobatics: Les Pauwels

[post 388]

Two posts ago I highlighted a strong table comedy acrobatic act by Zahir Circo. I also linked to a couple of older posts where I shared earlier versions of this kind of act. Now comes another predecessor,from the French tv show La Piste aux Étoiles, a three-man, three-table act by Les Pauwels, who hail from an eight-generation circus family.  Some real nice stuff, including a triple peanut roll under the table!

Again, for you table fans, here are the links to my previous posts on table comedy acrobatics:

You'll see that the kicking the other guy until you're too tired to kick any more was done by the guys on the Colgate Comedy Hour in the Tables are Funny post.

Thanks to Jessica Hentoff and Lionel Lutringer for the link!

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